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short prom dresses

добавил(а) 26 Фев 15, 10:44  |  1932 просмотра  |   Комментарии 0 комментариев

О телеканале

What kind of color of wedding dresses to wear? What is the moral of the color? Currently wedding dresses color had not confined only white , and with very many changes , although there are many changes in the color of the wedding dresses, the wedding dresses color represents what is not changed, the wedding colors implication is that we must know!The selection of the , styles and colors are the two most important elements. So how to choose? The moral of the wedding colors must have an understanding of it. Divergent set is , the bride asked the body are connected with a white headdress , the era began with Queen Victoria, when white represents pleasure points , and then to the enhanced holiness and meaning loyalty, resulting remarried lady, can not wear a , more noble position constitutes a white wedding dress stand out . What kind of color of to wear? Prior to this, Greece is also the ” white” ceremony gown for the bride , the most common color , but not strictly to the body with white ; Roman period, the bride will face with yellow yarn; Chinese traditional places for the auspicious red coat ceremony mean.

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